All The Skills You Need To Build a Successful Soft Tissue Myofascial Practice
Train with Myofascial Release UK in Slovenia
Learning Myofascial Release (MFR) has never been easier!
With over 20 year's of experience, MFR UK deliver highly practical, experiential and professional soft tissue myofascial training that you can use immediately in your clinical practice.
The foundation 4 day training
These 4 days provide you with the skills, theory and practical techniques that will enhance and develop your current practice. You’ll learn valuable and informative assessments, sustained gentle and modern myofascial techniques and structural direct soft tissue techniques.
You will also learn how to assess and evaluate pelvic asymmetry and how to use pelvic balancing blocks as an extra pair of hands to enhance treatment outcomes.
More Information
Alenka H.
S seminarjem sem zadovoljna. Dovolj novih prijemov in moznosti za pravilno izvedbo (Ruth vedno pokaze in pojasni, ce si v dvomih). Predvsem pa zelo intenzivno za telo.

Gaja T.
Odlicen tecaj in predavateljica. Informacije podane na razumljiv nacin. Velika prijaznost in potrpezljivost predavateljice. Prigrizki vedno na voljo, organizator super poskrbel za nas.

Darja P.
Hvala Ruth za super delavnico MFR ter za neprecenljivo podajanje znanja in izkusenj. Komaj cakam, da novo znanje uporabim v praksi. Se ze veselim novih delavnic!
The mastery 4 day training
Your foundation soft tissue myofascial training provided fundamental and valuable techniques that offer diversity in your clinical treatment and rehabilitation programmes.
This specialist 4 day mastery workshop expands on these skills constructing meaningful and practical approaches for the treatment of chronic and persistent pain.
MFR is more than hands-on care. It is an approach that builds a therapeutic alliance, appreciates contextual factors, remaining client-focused and, as a result, promotes self-efficacy.
More Information
Foundation training
Your in-person practical workshop includes the following:
- Modern sustained MFR; the cross-hand release techniques
- Modern sustained MFR; longitudinal pulls (arm and leg pulls)
- Modern sustained cranial and neck techniques
- Easy to use soft tissue (direct) structural techniques including the piriformis and trapezius muscles
- Learning the value of using active and passive MFR techniques
- Traditional direct MFR for the anterior hip and erector spinae muscles
- Evaluation of leg-length discrepancies and pelvic obliquity
- The use of pelvic balancing blocks as an extra pair of hands to facilitate pelvic techniques
- Constructing MFR treatments for more complex injuries and pain complaints - choosing appropriate techniques
- Receive and provide MFR to enhance learning
- Evaluate the benefits of MFR with contemporary science
- Work in small groups to provide multi therapist techniques to refine technique application
- Receive a comprehensive workshop technique manual.

Mastery training
Your in-person practical workshop includes the following:
- Traditional direct MFR for the torso, pelvis, medial thigh, and pelvic floor
- Modern sustained MFR; position of ease techniques for the thorax and pelvis
- Modern sustained MFR; cranium, neck and face including the jaw (TMJ)
- Discussing sacral mechanics and learning mobilisation of the sacrum
- Learning fundamental and appropriate scar tissue approaches relative to tissue healing
- Discuss the modern hypothesis on trigger points
- Combining soft tissue myofascial techniques with muscle energy techniques (MET)
- Integrating hands-on techniques with self-care home approaches to enhance outcomes
- Refining skills working with emotional responses to treatment
- Constructing MFR treatments incorporating aside range of treatment approaches relative to patient needs
- Receive a comprehensive workshop technique manual.

Katja G. V.
Vsa dosedanja izobrazevanja so me navdusila. Predavateljica na zelo razumljiv nacin predstavi in zelo strokovno utemelji vso snov, v sproscenem vzdusju. Ogromno znanja, prakticnega dela, dovolj casa za utrjevanje naucenega. Priporocam vsem, ki si zelijo poglobiti znanje manulanih tehnik.

Branka S. J.
Zelo uporabne tehnike predstavljene na izjemno strokoven in prijazen nacin. Predavateljica ima veliko teoreticnega, kot prakticnega znanja – NAJBOLJSA KOMBINACIJA – ter kriticno razmisljanje, kar je neprecenljivo.

Alenka S.
Izobrazevanje, ki ti da sirino. Z ogromno informacijami podprtimi z znanstevnimi raziskavami. Pa vendar ti da proste roke, da intuitivno uporabis, kar stranka rabi. Izobrazevanje, kjer prejmes in dajes terapije in imas pri tem toliko casa, kot ga potrebujes! ODLICNO!
More information
- Delivered in English
- 9am - 5pm every day
- Ljubljana or surrounding area
- Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Remedial soft tissue massage therapists are welcome to attend
- We also welcome international therapists
- Treatment couches are provided
- Refreshments are provided (not lunch)
- Full details, venue, local accommodation will be provided once booked
- Please ask the organiser about cost, payment, cancellation and waitlist

Ana K.
Zelo dober tecaj in super predavateljica. Priporocam.

Sabina I.
Hvala za izjemno izkusnjo in vrhunsko organiziran tecaj!

Alan L.
Vse je bilo super!!

Ksenija F.
Hvala, da delite vase znanje z nami. Vasa izobrazevanja so vedno cudvita izkusnja

4 days foundation training
11-14 April 2025
- Ljubljana (or surrounding area)
- 9am - 5pm every day
- Delivered in English

4 days mastery training
17-20 October 2025
- Ljubljana (or surrounding area)
- 9am - 5pm every day
- Delivered in English
Hi, my name's Ruth
I originally trained as a licensed massage therapist while living in Florida, USA returning home to Scotland in 2001.
I furthered my soft tissue skills gaining a Btec level 5 sports and remedial soft tissue qualification, a University accredited sports therapy diploma and a hypnotherapy diploma.
I have been working as a myofascial release and soft tissue therapist for over 20 years and also founded Myofascial Release UK (now In-Touch Education) providing workshops for healthcare professionals.
I have authored my own book on myofascial release, now in its second edition, and have lectured at international and national conferences and trade shows. In 2021, I gained a BSc First Class (Hons) in Health Sciences and a PGCert in Pain Science to further my own education and to enhance my training programmes.

Leya M.
I enjoyed being here. I learned a lot of new techniques. Thank you very much!

Karin V.
Great Techniques in a simple way. Thank you!

Sabina I.
Thank you for superb experience. Ruth you are the BEST!